
3CX has released an updated application that has resolved the previous issues. Acora have started rolling out this update to affected users.

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Acora One are aware of a security issue with the latest 3CX for Windows client, and are presently assessing our customer exposure to this. Early indications are that only a very limited number of clients are impacted, and this does not affect the versions of software installed on Cloud Hosted Environments. Our Cyber Security and Support teams are actively working on this issue, and are reaching out to customer primary security contacts for customers who may be impacted. As an extra preventative measure, we advise all 3CX users to uninstall 3CX applications from their local machine, and replace with the ‘PWA’ softphone app instead. Instructions on the installation of this app can be found on the 3CX website. 3CX are working on an updated version of the desktop app, and we will provide an update with further details shortly. If you have any questions in relation to this issue, please contact your account manager.

Kind Regards

The Acora One Team

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Began at:

Affected components
  • Broadband / phones